Fertilization and Weed Control
Lawn Fertilizing and Weed Control
Every Minneapolis and suburban lawn needs fertilizing and weed control to look its best and maintain a lush, thick turf. The exact needs depend on grass type, soil type, and many other factors. Only a qualified specialist can properly advise you on the best combination of fertilization and weed control for your lawn. As the Twin Cities metro area’s most knowledgeable lawn care company, our 30+ years of experience in Minnesota means that we’ve worked with every combination of conditions and know exactly what treatments will yield the best results. You may not need all of the seasonal services listed below, but we will suggest the right combination for your needs:
Not every lawn requires five fertilizer and weed control applications. In addition, each lawn type and soil type needs a different application rate and fertilizer mix. Only a lawncare company with extensive experience can help you select the perfect treatments. You can rely on us to choose an ideal service plan that will provide you with a healthy, luxurious, and beautiful lawn. When you trust your yard to our proven expertise, you will be assured of its best possible appearance
Early Spring Pre-Emergent Weed Control and Fertilization
By controlling weeds before they even sprout and applying the ideal fertilizer in early spring, your lawn gets a great start from the beginning of the growing season. The pre-emergent portion of this application is designed specifically to reduce grabgrass. This service is a must for almost all Minnesota lawns.
Mid Spring Weed Treatment and Fertilization
This additional service controls late-sprouting grassy weeds and broad-leafed species and gives your lawn a second feeding to promote lush growth. Depending on the unique conditions at your property, this application may be ideal for your turf.
Summer Turf Building and Weed Control
In the summer, grass reaches its peak growth rate. So do weeds. This treatment supports that growth in the heat of summer and knocks out broadleaf weeds. Keeping your lawn beautiful during the heat of summer is a high priority.
Early Fall Weed Control and Fertilization
Your lawn is still actively growing in early fall, and summer ripening weed seeds have a chance to take hold. This treatment adds nutrients to your grass and knocks out late-sprouting weeds.
Late Fall Nitrogen Boost Fertilization and Weed Control
Winter is rapidly approaching. This application promotes healthy late growth before the grass goes dormant, preparing your lawn for its final mowings and winter dormancy. Weed control treatment now can stop dandelions in their tracks next spring. How your turf looks in the spring can depend on this treatment.
Landscape/Flower Beds – Sidewalks and Driveways
Looking for focused weed treatment in landscaped areas, walking paths, flower beds, sidewalks and driveway cracks? Let our experts treat those unwanted weeds to ensure all areas of your property look beautiful.
Weed Control
Everyone who loves healthy, lush turf hates weeds. A lawn full of weeds is an eyesore. For most homeowners, who aren’t lawn experts, weed control can be a mystery. At our Twin Cities locally owned company, keeping your grass healthy is our specialty. We understand local weed species and how to eradicate or minimize them in your yard. As we know exactly what to look for, our mowing crews monitor the health of your grass during their weekly visits and will advise you when proper treatments are needed. The properties you see with lawns full of dandelions, crabgrass and other weeds got that way by being neglected over time. Here’s a guide to the most common weeds that pop up in Minneapolis suburbs:

Crabgrass Is the Most Common Weed Grass in Minnesota
Crabgrasses, all species of Digitaria, come in many varieties, but all are unwanted in lawns. Coarse and invasive, crabgrass requires aggressive treatments to avoid making turf look coarse and uneven. By applying pre-emergent and crabgrass-specific herbicides in early spring, along with fertilization, we can help prevent these noxious grass species from taking over your beautiful grass. Large crabgrass and smooth crabgrass are the two most common species in the Minneapolis area.

Quackgrass Is Often Found in Twin Cities Lawns
Growing in tall tufts and spread by underground rhizomes, quackgrass can be very invasive and disruptive to the appearance of any lawn. Once established, it can crowd out desirable turf grasses and is difficult to eradicate. With proper fertilization and timely application of environmentally safe herbicides, though, our experts can get this difficult grass under control. Encouraging healthy growth of desired grasses also helps control this summer weed pest.
Invasive Grass Species Need Specific Eradication Measures
While crabgrass and quackgrass are very common, several other species can also invade your yard. Creeping bentgrass, foxtails, rough bluegrass, yellow nutsedge and a variety of native prairie grasses can establish themselves in turf plantings. Each requires specific techniques for proper eradication. Our experienced mowing crews will spot and identify these weeds and advise you on how we can get rid of them.

Dandelions Are Ubiquitous
While Early in the spring, yellow dandelion flowers appear, followed soon by their puffy seed heads, ready to spread this weed far and wide. A lawn full of dandelions is a sign of neglect. Regular fertilization and weed control applications by our lawncare experts, usually in the fall, can help keep your yard dandelion-free and a standout in your neighborhood. Since dandelion seeds are spread in the wind from neighboring properties, treatment must be done each year for the best results.

Creeping Charlie Can Take Over Your Yard
While also known as ground ivy, creeping Charlie is a member of the mint family, and is an exotic weed, introduced ages ago. Its spreading habit and lush growth can crowd out turf grasses, especially in shady or damp areas. Control can require multiple applications of a post-emergence herbicide, generally in the fall, as part of a fertilization and weed control plan. Our regular lawn care customers rely on our experience and expertise to handle this troublesome, invasive species.

Broad Plantain Can Ruin the Look of Your Lawn
With its wide leaves and upright seed stalks, common broad plantain is a weed often seen in Minneapolis suburban lawns. It can quickly move into areas with thin grass cover and bare patches. As a broadleaf weed, it can be controlled with many post-emergence herbicides or by hand-pulling when only a few plants exist. As with all lawn weeds, we will spot this weed and help you get it under control during our regular fertilization and weed control applications.
Other Broad-Leaf Weeds We Help You Control
The weed types described above are just some of the undesirable plants that can invade your turf. We also commonly see common violet, burdock, thistles, common mallow, purslane, knotweed, and many other plants that can ruin the look of any lawn. Fortunately, a healthy lawn, properly fertilized and treated with pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides resists weed growth. If you want the best-looking grass on your block, our company is ready to help you reach your goal.
With the right fertilization and weed control applications, we help our customers achieve their goals. As you drive around your neighborhood in the Twin Cities, you can see the difference. The landscaping you admire the most is sure to be the result of ongoing care by professionals.
How Much Does Weed Control and Fertilization Cost?
Fertilization and weed control applications are priced separately from our regularly weekly mowing service, but are included in our complete lawn care service plans. Depending on the size of your lawn and the number of applications needed, the price for these services vary. We’ll give you an affordable price quote that ensures that you get just the fertilization and weed control you need. Our cost for these services is among the lowest in the area. There’s no need to pay more for the very best looking lawn in your neighborhood. Let us recommend a schedule that is a perfect match for your turf. You can decide what’s best for your home and budget.
Environmentally and Safety Conscious Treatment
In Minnesota, state law prohibits the general use of fertilizers that contain phosphorus. This prevents water that runs off properties from causing algae blooms in our many lakes, streams and ponds. In addition, lakeshore homes require special consideration for fertilizing and weed control to avoid damaging lake plants and aquatic animals. Our company uses only approved, environmentally safe products and offer a full line of natural organic fertilizers. We treat the environment with the deep respect it deserves. The safety of your family and pets is also an important consideration for us. All products we use are safe for residential lawns and for your pets and family when used as directed.
Trusted Minneapolis Suburban Community Lawn Care Professionals
Your residential or commercial lawn is unique. No “one-size-fits-all” fertilization and weed control regimen is suitable for every situation. Rely on our experience and expertise to create a customized mowing and treatment plan for your particular lawn. We’ll never suggest unnecessary fertilization and weed control applications, use any harmful products, or lock you into a risky “spray-and-go” contract. We build long-term relationships with our customers in a partnership that assures them of the beautiful yards they want and deserve. Call us now for a free, no-obligation lawn evaluation, and let us create a customized plan for your lawn’s total maintenance.
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